In 1997, the park was created from Pilis and Börzsöny national parks, with the addition of part of the floodplain of the River Ipoly. This park encompasses areas in Budapest, Pest County, Komárom-Esztergom County and Fejér County. Its offices are in Budapest and in the Jókai garden (Budapest XII), and its headquarters are in Esztergom.
Some species – both flora and fauna – have their sole habitat in this park, and there is a programme to save these rare and endangered species.
Getting there
This national park is the most accessible in Hungary since it is located right next to Budapest. Most European international airports have flight to Budapest. The drive from Budapest is only around 1 hour depending on the area of the park you are looking to visit. Because of the vicinity to Budapest you will be able to find loads of organised tours starting from the capitol.
When to visit
Map of Duna-Ipoly National Park
Image gallery of Duna-Ipoly National Park
Visitor/Information centres in Duna-Ipoly National Park
Most national parks have an associated visitor centre to help visitors. They are usually open most of the year but some close in the off-season. You will often be able to find information on all the activities in the national park. A visit to the visitor centre is often recommended before venturing into the park.
Wildlife in Duna-Ipoly National Park
These sections shows you some of the characteristic wildlife to the national park.
Mushroom hunting in Duna-Ipoly National Park
There are good opportunities for mushroom hunting in Hungary and in Duna-Ipoly National Park. Be sure to check with the local authorities where you are allowed to forage. The best season for mushroom hunting is in autumn in the weeks following rain.
Camping rules in Duna-Ipoly National Park
There are plenty of camping providers available along the Danube river. If you wish to stay within the forest or on the hills you should make sure to check with the local authorities before you do so.

Bears in Duna-Ipoly National Park
No bears in the park
This national park has no bears and you do not need to take precautions.